

28 July 2022

Report of the Corporate Director of Adult Social Care and Integration, Portfolio of the Executive Member for Adult Social Care & Public Health


Developing a 5 Year Dementia Strategy for York


1.    This paper aims to brief members on the work in progress towards the publication of a Dementia Strategy for York place this summer. Members are requested to consider the appended draft and approve the plan for its publication.


2.    The Executive are asked to consider:

Approval of the draft Strategy

Reason: Having a York Dementia Strategy will clearly establish the common goals for health, social care, and community organisations in the City to deliver quality support to people with dementia and their carers. Once we have an agreed Strategy, we can progress with a delivery plan to achieve the goals outlined, and improve the experience for the thousands of people living with dementia in our City.


1.           The Health and Wellbeing Strategy 2017-2022 and the All Age Mental Health Strategy 2018-2023 both confirm our commitment to being a Dementia Friendly City, with the latter specifically stipulating the need to develop a joint strategy for improving dementia diagnosis and support services. This is aligned to the Council Plan’s key priority of providing good health and wellbeing for our citizens.  Ageing well and caring for people with dementia are both key priorities in The NHS Long Term Plan.

2.           Work has been underway to develop a Dementia Strategy for the City of York and there has been significant engagement with people with lived experience, carers and families of people with dementia to understand the current environment and the ambition for Dementia support in the future.

3.           Engagement exercises have identified areas of practice in which more immediate solutions have been warranted, and thus over this period significant work has been, and continues to be undertaken. A significant recent example is the development of a Dementia Hub as a collaboration between City of York Council, primary health (Nimbuscare), and Dementia Forward.

4.           A draft York Dementia Strategy 2022-2027 is available at Annex A for consideration by the Executive.

5.           The Strategy follows the National Dementia Well pathway and focusses our local ambitions for dementia support over the next 5 years. Within each stage, the Strategy highlights the current challenges and opportunities, as well as an agreement between stakeholders of what we believe good to look like for dementia support in the City.

6.           The proposed delivery timeline is as follows:


1.   Healthwatch York, with funding from the Joseph Rowntree Foundation, have worked alongside people with dementia, carers and organisations across York who support people living with dementia to plan, develop and deliver an engagement project between 2017-2021.


2.   This project has hosted a series of engagement events and surveys to ascertain views about current services and people’s experiences of living with dementia in the City.


3.   Concurrently, a Dementia Strategy working group was initiated, with membership from City of York Council, primary and secondary care, the Clinical Commissioning Group, Healthwatch and VCSE organisations.


4.   A strategy has been drafted by this group and updates have been received in recent months by the Health and Wellbeing Board (18 May & 20 July 2022), the Ageing Well (26 April 2022) and Mental Health Partnerships (14 June 2022), and the City of York Council’s corporate management team and council members (through portfolio holder CMT and a special commissioned HASC policy and scrutiny committee, 5 July 2022).


5.   A consultation event took place on 11 July 2022 with people living with Dementia to hear their feedback on the current draft. All concurred that the strategy was a ‘good start’, and ideas were contributed of actions required to deliver against key priorities. Some felt that there needs to be more clarity as to which are the key priorities within each stage of the ‘Well pathway’, and we have committed to look at this.



·           Financial: The Strategy does not specify investment in Dementia Support but it is recognised that some ambitions will only be achievable through ongoing consideration of how each system partner can best contribute resources in this area.

·           Human Resources (HR): As above, the strategy does not specify impact upon Human Resources but it is recognised that some ambitions may require stakeholders to think about how they best use their human resource to achieve the collective goal. Advice is being sought from CYC workforce development advisers due to the training implications.

·           Equalities: An equalities impact assessment has been undertaken to ensure that the Strategy complies with the law, by taking account of equality, human rights and socioeconomic disadvantage implications in the decisions made.   

·           Legal: legal oversight of the final draft is being sought

·           Crime and Disorder: There are no crime and disorder implications

·           Information Technology (IT): The Dementia Strategy will need to be accessible and easy read. City of York Council communications team are engaged to support with this.

·           Property: there are no property implications


Risk Management


7.        There is potential reputational risk to delays in the publication of a Dementia Strategy, as there has been significant public commitment to this for a significant length of time.

        Council Plan

8.     The York Dementia Strategy is aligned to the Council Plan’s key priority of providing good health and wellbeing for our citizens.  It should also dovetail with the Dementia Strategy being developed by the Integrated Care Board. The intention is for the HNY Strategy to consider quality issues and associated costs across the wider footprint, but to also use the stages of the Dementia Well Pathway, to bring a commitment to consistency of support services.

Contact Details

Author: Jamaila Hussain

Chief Officer Responsible for the report:

Corporate Director

Adult Social Care and Integration


Co-Author: Abby Hands

Head of Transformation

Adult Social Care

01904 554552

Jamaila Hussain

Corporate Director




For further information please contact the author of the report


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